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Tilt Your Head Back - Letting Go of Codependency

Writer's picture: gingersreconnectiogingersreconnectio

Updated: Apr 24, 2021

"When you realize how perfect everything is you will tilt your head back and laugh at the sky." - Buddha


I have spent the majority of my life rising from the flames of codependency. I have lived it, written about it, and I continue my quest to overcome it.  A life lived in a codependent relationship with anything or anyone is a chosen life of hell.  Chosen,  yes, you choose codependency.  Presumably, the hardest aspect of recovery from codependency is the recognition that you decided on this living hell. Once you understand this fact and see it for what it is, the journey to sovereignty becomes a softer, gentler means of travel.

The truth is you are a sovereign being.  You have the power within you to conduct, monitor, and navigate a Holy whole life. A life that is grounded in love and that is a reflection of the Omnipotence of your creator. Simply put, you do not need anyone or anything to make you WHOLE.

Today my musings bring me to the idea that many are having a codependent relationship with society as a whole.  These imbalanced relationships can show up in a million different ways, via advertising, social media, political affiliation, religious beliefs, the list is a mile long. 

Perceiving interactions with anything or anyone as a means to gain wholeness of being is a state of codependency.   Your sovereignty will only be found through an authentic, loving relationship with yourself.  Attaching your beliefs and actions to those of an organized group diminishes your wholeness. Even if you wholeheartedly believe that organization’s belief systems are true and correct. Your Knowing of what is the correct action for you has to come from within your being.  It is through deep introspection and connection to self that we become acutely aware of what is whole and perfect.  The source of your sovereignty is through the Loving Source Energy of our Creator.

Ok, what does all of that “jibber jabber” mean?


-you will not find your Higher Power, peace, and your truth on Social Media.

-you will not find Higher Power, peace, and your truth in a Political Movement.

-you will not find Higher Power, peace, and your truth in a Spiritual Movement.

-you will not find Higher Power, peace, and your truth in a Religion.

-you will not find Higher Power, peace, and your truth in a Webinar or Seminar.

-you will not find Higher Power, peace, and your truth in a Social Movement.

-you will not find Higher Power, peace, and your truth in a Government.

-not even a book :-)


Your TRUTH, your PEACE, and your Higher Power reside within you

Now, if you are able to digest what I have written, try becoming the observer to these groups and from your authentic sovereign being, begin to navigate your life. Stand back,

Co-exist, Depend-on Inner Knowing, and See-observe

I am over here observing you, and loving you with the entirety of my heart.


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